Do You Have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? : Klumm Bros.

Do You Have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan?

July 17, 2020

Every building demolition in Toledo, OH must have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). These plans outline measures for preventing water pollution and water erosion. Experienced construction preparation companies like Klumm Bros. are well-versed in not only preventing polluted stormwater, but also explaining how we do it so you do not get in trouble for presenting an incomplete SWPPP. If you are preparing to demolish a building or start another construction project, here are the requirements of an SWPPP:

  • Site descriptions: The site description starts off with a name and address and continues into the activities performed there. There are also details regarding water management, including where water is received, stormwater flows, locations of ditches, pipes and other water-moving elements, and the possibility of stormwater pollutants. This outlines any potential issues so we can address solutions in the plan later.
  • Pollution prevention team: This group of individuals assists the site manager with designing the SWPPP. Team members find the best way to manage the procedures for ultimate success. Each person is identified by name, title and, if they are an independent contractor, their organization.
  • Polluting activities: While the site description addresses polluting activities inherent with the site, these activities arise from future projects (e.g. demolishing a building causes waste which could end up in the stormwater). This includes sediment pollution potential, as well as the presence of any equipment that can leak oil or fuel. If storing pollutants is part of the plan, those are listed in detail as well.
  • Control measures: These are the preventative measures. If pollutant discharge is inevitable, there is discussion of how to keep them away from stormwater. Any technology-based or water quality-based measures are described in detail. This can also include employee training plans to help people understand the control measures and how to implement them.
  • Spill response: Plans must include a description of what will happen if there is a spill or pollutants are otherwise set loose. The plan must meet all local and federal requirements. If your industry is already required to create spill response plans, that can be detailed in the SWPPP. You do not need to create a new plan just for SWPPP purposes.
  • Inspection procedures: Any environmental controls cannot be allowed to continue unsupervised. Plans must include inspections and monitoring throughout the project. This can include any promises to report non-compliance and address it immediately. Depending on the project, monitoring may need to be continuous or must be conducted once or twice a year.
  • Employee training: Besides control measures, employee training must continue in all other areas. This includes safety training as well as pollution prevention, best practices for keeping pollutants out of stormwater and spill response. If your industry is subject to federal regulation, the training must also cover complying with those requirements.

Klumm Bros. is an experienced waste management and demolition company. Our expertise allows us to develop and implement effective SWPPPs towards preventing water pollution, water erosion and polluted stormwater in Toledo, OH. Call us today for a consultation regarding your waste management needs.

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