Have you ever wondered what happens to rainwater after it flows down into a storm drain along a curb? There are many people who assume these drains lead to wastewater treatment plants, but in actuality the water that goes into storm drains goes back out into water sources—streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, bays, oceans and wetlands. This is why it’s so important to prevent pollutants from affecting stormwater and storm drains. Here’s a quick overview of what you should know about the various issues that can arise from stormwater. Ensuring the health of stormwater Why is stormwater a potential problem in... View Article
Do you have a construction project on your calendar? If so, you should also have a stormwater pollution prevention plan in Toledo, OH. This plan is key in preventing your site from wreaking havoc on the local environment. What is the plan and what should it include? Use the following guide to stormwater pollution in Toledo, OH and its management to create an appropriate prevention plan for your project. What is an SWPPP? This site-specific plan outlines potential sources of stormwater pollution at your project. It identifies methods to reduce pollution from stormwater runoff at the site and indicates which... View Article
Every winter comes with its own challenges. Some seasons are filled with heavy snow-dumps that keep everyone indoors for days. Others bring ice and sleet that keep motorists guessing about road conditions. This year, the big challenge for winter will be a salt shortage. How does this affect Snow and Ice management Services in Toledo, OH and, more importantly, the end user, you? The salt shortage will definitely have an impact on services this winter. Here’s the FAQ to help keep you informed about the top issues it may cause this season. Why is there a salt shortage? While salt... View Article