Choosing the most qualified dump truck for your needs is vital if you intend to operate in any of the businesses that use them. You’ll need to consider several factors to choose the truck that makes your work more convenient and profitable. These are some of the areas to mull over before you purchase a dump truck for your business: Your Budget Your budget is the first aspect to consider before selecting the right dump truck. Going through your finances to see how much your business can spend will cut down on the time it takes to choose the right... View Article
A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) provides monitoring information and guidance for site-specific building and construction projects. At Klumm Bros. in Holland, Toledo, and Lucas County, OH, our experienced contractors use this guidance document to prevent or minimize pollution during construction activities. SWPPPs help ensure the construction site is kept orderly to avoid detrimental environmental impacts and water pollution, and they’re susceptible to changes depending on the project’s needs. Continue reading to learn the answers to the question, "What is a SWPPP?" Who Needs an SWPPP? An SWPPP is required for facilities and sites seeking clearance from the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination... View Article
Concrete recycling is not something most people have incorporated into their construction jobs. However, over the years, the information shows that there has been a growing trend whereby a significant number of people have been adopting this strategy in their properties. As the current details indicate, concrete recycling is not something that very many individuals clearly understand, but it is essential to get some details about this strategy. What Is Recycled Concrete? Recycled concrete is concrete that has been taken from old projects and then repurposed for new ones. In other words, the old concrete is crushed into smaller pieces,... View Article
What is the difference between deconstruction vs demolition? This seems to be a common question for people undertaking various tasks for their projects and structures. You need to clearly distinguish between demolition vs deconstruction so that you can make the most appropriate decisions. This is the only way you will clearly understand what you are doing. What Is Demolition? The first thing that you need to understand is what demolition is. This term is usually used in a construction context. It involves tearing down a structure so it can be rebuilt again. When you demolish a building, all the materials... View Article
What is crushed concrete? Crushed concrete is a versatile material that can be used for various applications. The most common use for crushed concrete is as an aggregate for new concrete or asphalt pavement. But it can also patch existing pavement as drainage material or as a base for new roads. Crushed concrete is also frequently used as a subbase for driveways, patios, and sidewalks. What Are the Benefits of Using Crushed Concrete? There are many benefits to using crushed concrete instead of other materials such as gravel or limestone. Crushed concrete is significantly cheaper than other construction materials. It... View Article