Not everyone realizes that you can recycle concrete. In fact, there are a multitude of uses for recycled concrete. Recycling concrete also helps cut back on construction waste and is a great way to save on certain fees. The concrete recycling process itself is quite interesting, and typically involves crushing or pulverizing old materials through the use of specialized tools. Read on if you’re interested in learning about ways to recycle and reuse concrete. The concrete recycling process So, what is involved in concrete recycling? As mentioned above, concrete is usually recycled through crushing or pulverizing the old material. The... View Article
What is important to know about recycling? Everyone knows it’s good for the environment, but there’s plenty people don’t know about recycling. For example, did you know that it’s best to crush your water bottles before sending them to a recycling center? This can help prevent bottle caps from shooting off all over the place during the recycling process. Read on if you’re interested in learning even more interesting facts about recycling: Avoid putting plastic bags in a recycling bin: While you can recycle plastic bags, it’s important to keep them out of the recycling bin. Plastic bags can cause... View Article
New knowledge, technology and innovation have changed the way we do everything. Recycling is no exception. Has recycling evolved since it started? Definitely. Over the years, we have learned more about how to protect, conserve and reuse resources in better ways. The recycling industry has come into being and has continued to change with the times to better respond to our environmental needs. How has recycling changed in 2021? It continues to evolve to meet the challenges of new waste materials and disposal methods. Let’s take a look at some background on waste, disposal and recycling to see how this... View Article
The COVD-19 pandemic has affected nearly every aspect of our society and daily living habits. Believe it or not, this even includes waste management. While this may not be the first topic that comes to mind when considering the impact of COVID-19, it is a crucial part of managing the pandemic. How has COVID-19 affected waste management? The main impacts involve the amount of waste generated, how that waste is handled and how to protect the workers who handle it. How 2021 has changed waste management services Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, waste management services have been charged... View Article
If you’ve ever stood in the middle of your home wondering where all the junk came from, you probably know that humans generate a lot of trash. Waste management services make it easy for us to toss something in a bin and forget about it—but where does our trash go, and how can we cut down on it? Waste management has been around for millennia. It might not be the most exciting part of history, but it’s an important one. Read on to learn about the history of waste management services, then call your friendly local dump truck services at... View Article