Blog : Klumm Bros.

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The Different Kinds of Demolition

December 20, 2019

When you’re in the process of planning for a demolition project, the type of demolition method you choose is just as important as the budget, contractor and permits. Not every project will lend itself well to a certain demolition method, and vice versa. Some methods allow for better recycling, while some are quicker. Whichever you choose, you’ll need to take into account your building’s makeup and location. To ensure that your project goes off without a hitch, review these common types of demolition—then call the experts at Klumm Bros. to see if implosion demolition, wrecking ball demolition or another type... View Article

A Guide to Preparing for Successful Demolition Projects

December 6, 2019

Demolition projects sound fun, but they require more planning than you might initially imagine. To ensure that your demolition project happens safely, quickly and efficiently, you’ll need to follow a few basic steps. If you need specific help with demolition prepping in Toledo, OH, be sure to call the experts at Klumm Bros. Here’s a brief overview of what you can expect from your demolition project, from start to finish: The planning stage: Believe it or not, the most important stage of any demolition project is the paperwork. You’ll need to get the appropriate local or city permits in order... View Article

Do You Have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)?

November 26, 2019

Do you have a construction project on your calendar? If so, you should also have a stormwater pollution prevention plan in Toledo, OH. This plan is key in preventing your site from wreaking havoc on the local environment. What is the plan and what should it include? Use the following guide to stormwater pollution in Toledo, OH and its management to create an appropriate prevention plan for your project. What is an SWPPP? This site-specific plan outlines potential sources of stormwater pollution at your project. It identifies methods to reduce pollution from stormwater runoff at the site and indicates which... View Article

Hydroseeding and Erosion Control

November 12, 2019

Erosion control in Toledo, OH is one of the greatest challenges to landscapers. Creating a lush, healthy and attractive landscape in areas that are susceptible to erosion is no easy task. Wind, rain, wildlife and other natural elements are constantly working against the efforts you make. To effectively battle these causes of erosion, landscapers have turned to hydroseeding control in Toledo, OH. This process involves spraying a mixture of fertilizer, seed and mulch (called slurry) over the soil. A bonding agent holds the mixture together, so it effectively coats the ground, cultivates growth and prevents erosion. Following are a few... View Article

What Does Demolition Work Involve?

October 17, 2019

OSHA defines demolition as “the dismantling, razing, destroying or wrecking of any building or structure or any part thereof.” This is a complex process that involves various safety issues in Toledo, OH, construction issues and a specific skill set to handle these concerns properly. This expertise is necessary for hazard reduction in Toledo, OH. Use the following FAQ to educate yourself on these matters of demolition. For additional information, don’t hesitate to contact the experts at Klumm Bros. What hazards are involved in demolition? Hazard reduction in Toledo, OH is a major aspect of any demolition project. Potential demolition hazards... View Article