If you’ve ever stood in the middle of your home wondering where all the junk came from, you probably know that humans generate a lot of trash. Waste management services make it easy for us to toss something in a bin and forget about it—but where does our trash go, and how can we cut down on it? Waste management has been around for millennia. It might not be the most exciting part of history, but it’s an important one. Read on to learn about the history of waste management services, then call your friendly local dump truck services at... View Article
Did you know that about 600 million tons of debris are generated annually from construction and demolition? According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, this is more than twice the amount of municipal solid waste generated each year. To help cut down on that staggering amount, as well as potentially reduce the amount you’ll need to pay in dump truck services in Holland, OH, here are some tips on reducing and managing the amount of construction waste generated on your project. Destruction rather than demolition One way to reduce the amount of waste you will need to have hauled away... View Article
Sometimes a construction project also involves a fair amount of destruction. When this is the case, no matter if it’s a small job or a large job like tearing down an old building, you will need to find something to do with the debris. There can be a significant amount of debris from a construction or demolition project. Sometimes there will be too much to haul away on your own, and you’ll need to look for dump trucking companies in Lucas County, OH to clean up the site during and after construction. Instead of hauling everything away to the dump,... View Article
When you think of a waste management employee, you may picture a burly man with large muscles. While that may be true in some cases, it doesn’t mean that employees at dump trucking companies in Lucas County, OH can (or even want to) lift heavy bags of trash all day long. Our team at Klumm Bros. recommends limiting bag weight to about 30 pounds and keeping bin weight around 200 pounds. This post will cover everything else you should know about heavy trash bags and bins. Why is heavy trash a problem? Overweight bags and bins are a problem for... View Article
Commercial waste is defined as any type of trash or waste generated through commercial operations. This means it does not include any industrial, household or agricultural waste. Commercial businesses of all types must consider how they will manage and dispose of their waste. The good news is that there are plenty of waste management companies that will be able to help you develop a strategy for your waste management to ensure you’re able to dispose of all of your junk safely and efficiently, while also minimizing your environmental impact. Here’s an overview of what you can expect from a strong... View Article