Sometimes a construction project also involves a fair amount of destruction. When this is the case, no matter if it’s a small job or a large job like tearing down an old building, you will need to find something to do with the debris. There can be a significant amount of debris from a construction or demolition project. Sometimes there will be too much to haul away on your own, and you’ll need to look for dump trucking companies in Lucas County, OH to clean up the site during and after construction. Instead of hauling everything away to the dump,... View Article
When you think of a waste management employee, you may picture a burly man with large muscles. While that may be true in some cases, it doesn’t mean that employees at dump trucking companies in Lucas County, OH can (or even want to) lift heavy bags of trash all day long. Our team at Klumm Bros. recommends limiting bag weight to about 30 pounds and keeping bin weight around 200 pounds. This post will cover everything else you should know about heavy trash bags and bins. Why is heavy trash a problem? Overweight bags and bins are a problem for... View Article
Reducing, reusing and recycling—the three Rs—are crucial in reducing our carbon footprints and helping to save the environment. While all three Rs are fairly simple to understand and practice, many of us could be better at recycling. This post from your experts in concrete recycling in Holland, OH will cover a few easy ways to ensure you’re the best recycler on the block. Think before you buy Being a better recycler starts at the store when you’re shopping for groceries or other goods. When you’re deciding between two comparable products, go for the one with recyclable packaging. Better yet, look... View Article
Residential garbage pickup in 43528 can offer all kinds of benefits, including better curb appeal, reduced wildlife activity and greater convenience for property owners. If you’re planning on investing in residential trash pickup services, you might be trying to choose the right service provider for your needs. To make the process easier, keep reading for some key factors to consider when selecting residential garbage pickup in 43528. Choosing the right trash pickup service Choosing a trash pickup service can seem daunting, but there’s no reason to feel overwhelmed. Focusing on some key factors can make it much easier to select... View Article
No matter your lifestyle or habits, it’s likely that your household produces a fair amount of garbage on a monthly, weekly and even daily basis. In fact, every year, Americans produce over 220 million tons of waste and this creates a host of considerations for local governments and environmental agencies. To prevent the safety risks of excessive waste production, it’s important for households to have access to reliable garbage pickup in 43528. Why waste services in 43528 are so important A lot of people pile up garbage and take it to the dump themselves periodically, but this kind of system... View Article